Need feature film quality work?
Ignite your audience with high-octane visually striking VFX
Try our vfx package. Starting from 4500 USD*
4K video retouching
Remove visible crew, unwanted structures, identifiable elements or vehicle tracks from your selected takes.
DMP & Set-extension
We offer a cost-effective solution for creating stunning, photorealistic environments that seamlessly blend with your live-action footage.
Fx integration
Integrate your live-action footage and VFX elements seamlessly. Our work stays invisible to the audience. Showcase your product into real-world environments.
Precision Color Grading
Enhance the mood, tone, and visual consistency of your film with precision color grading. Our colorist work to create a cohesive color palette that elevates the storytelling and visual impact of your project.
Landing sequence | Alien Covenant
Shot in New Zealand with Team5´s Hydra rig. The Hydra combines the Shotover K1 stabilized platform and an advanced panoramic payload: a pre-built array of six RED 6K cinema cameras and lenses. After stitching the resulted footage in Nuke, the craft was added in post at MPC.
Crafting digital images can be very resource intensive. I’m here to help.
“With over 15 years of experience in VFX and specifically in compositing, I’m here to guide you through a seamless post-production process tailored for your projects.”